The quiz below is based on the leadership traits Bill discusses in his Harvard Business Review article, The 4 Kinds of Leaders Who Create the Future.
Alan Kay, the educator and computer designer, famously declared, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” But what does it take to invent the future in a turbulent and uncertain world? I’ve made it a point to pay special attention to leaders who seem energized (rather than paralyzed) by the prospect of change and transformation. As I reflect on these leaders, on the attitudes and mindset that drive them, I’ve identified four traits that make them fit for the future.
This Quiz will help you figure out whether you share any of these traits, and which of them suits your personality and leadership style. Of course, there is no one way to make yourself more fit for the future. But each of us has to figure out which of these habits of mind best suits who we are, and thus helps invent an exciting and compelling future for our organizations.
It takes just a few minutes to answer the questions. For an accurate result, make sure your answers reflect who you are and how you think, rather than how you suspect others might want you to respond. There is no single path to a more compelling and prosperous future.
Here are the questions…Let’s invent the future!